Love Poems For Him
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It's quite noble and bold of you to seek out a poetic love letter to present to your man. Women tend to think that a man doesn't
really go for poetry, but that couldn't be further from the truth. So what must be considered when choosing love
quotes for him? Well, first off, your man wants to be made sure that he makes you feel safe and secure. He wants to
feel like a good provider for you. It doesn't matter if you're already married, living together or just dating. He
wants you to feel that way regardless. As I've alluded to in another statement. A man wants to read your verses and
come away wanting to brave the jungles of South America and kill the most ferocious predator and bring his hide
back to you as a trophy piece.
Love Poems For
You are a man among men. I stand in awe of you. You are a specimen
worthy of honor and with my whole being I acknowledge your stateliness. Your personality and wit catapults you head
and shoulders above your peers. Your steps break boulders. Men thought to be great loose heart in your presence.
When I'm on your arm, women envy me, yet, I pity them. For the fires that forged you have long since quenched and
there is no hope of finding your equal. As you gaze into my eyes, my heart is taken captive. Only the planets can
bare witness to the celestial pull you have on me. As you are my sun, I am your venus. Your manhood commands my
respect and you shall have it to your fill.
King of Men
(Love letters for him)
My love, your reflection is the aspiration of all mirrors.
Flawlessness is the sound that comes from the lips of those who critique your life's journeying. You are the future
mothers dream for their sons and the past old men pray they left. When we're together, I notice other men staring.
They recognize the perfect match we've found in each other, yet, there's something more. They see that one defining
thing that always seems to be just out of reach for them being so prominately displayed within your inner
confidence and they cannot disguise their envy. You are a man who is well acquainted with success. What most men
call impossible, you call a starting point. I am most fortunate to have you as my sole companion. Your love for me
is a comfort known only by the angelic host, and for that I cherish you with my whole heart.
While this short love poem below is printed on a feminine
background, it's for a reminder to your man how you feel about him. Rather than give this one to him, you keep this
one in open view at your work or place of residence. He knows that you're not afraid to show your desire to be with
him to anyone. But you can choose a more masculine print and have him showcase this for himself as

Infinity is the word I choose to verbally express, the days I want
to spend with you and not one second less. The happiness that you bring to me in special moments shared, is much
more precious than any gem, and cannot be compared. Nothing on earth can mirror the feelings of what you mean to
me. And any attempt in written form would take an eternity. Fervent love is what I give to you; a love that's true
and precise. Causing any problems that come our way to melt like cubes of ice. So the days I've chosen are not
extreme, for there can never be too many. Infinity conveys the perfect sentiment; the awareness of time without
there being any.©1995 Tim Taylor
Just select your poem, background and
form of payment and I can get started right away. Don't forget that you get immediate use of the interactive ecard
program to send him love notes all through out the day. All this for letting me help you show your boo how much you
care about him
Many woman think men are innately afraid of commitment. So they tend to steer clear
of love letters for him that may come across those lines. However, whether that's true or not, you still can
present your heart felt feelings in a poem that doesn't bring up any commitment issues. What you want to do is use
somewhat short love poems that let him know that he is the only man that can satisfy you. You should make him feel
like that prior to him, your male beaus were on the level of immature boys. That is one of the biggest ego builders
you can give to a man.
I have to admit, the infinity poem below smacks of long term
commitment. But if you have a long going healthy and strong relationship, it wont scare off your mate. Read the I
love you poems for him below and choose one of them or I can use your own or create a unique one for you to present
to your man on breath taking backgrounds. As a bonus you get imstant free access to an awesome ecard that was
programmed around helping to make a strong connection with you loved ones.
