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Wedding Poems

wedding poems 

One of the most precious keepsakes of a marriage is a well crafted wedding poem. Women and men alike share a fondness for poetry The words are unlike everyday sentiments. They come from the heart of both parties. That is why it is so special. Each person has willingly chosen to make themselves vulnerable to each other in front of a crowd of people while all eyes are on them. Poetry for marriage is both a science and an art. But anyone who is sincere and humble will have no problem mastering the inner workings behind delivering this language of the heart.

Poems for a wedding are inspirational and encouraging to all who hear them. It makes the hearers believe in true, undying love and gives them hope that they, too, can find a life mate to share their soul with. Some people attempt to write their own wedding poems; while others find the perfect words at the pen of someone more skilled at expressing themselves in poetic verses. Poems for wedding events do not have to be long and teary; nor do they have to rhyme. But they do require a rhythm... Unless they are actostic poems like the one below:

poems for wedding

Your poetic vows should have a flow that convinces the hearer it comes from the heart of the one who dedicated it to the receiver. If the recipient of the wedding poem feels your efforts came from your heart, they will eagerly accept your words as a thirsty soul lost in a parched desert would receive precious drops of dew as an elixir of life. Some couples use wedding poems as their vows while other use them as the theme that defines the whole ceremony.

Click the links below for appropriate wedding poems. I can put either on decorative paper or use your own to creative a beautiful token of your love.

Wedding poem poetry

Poem for wedding day

Love poem for a wedding