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Mother Poem III


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Mother Glorious, giver of life. It is with great joy and heart felt adoration that I express my reverence towards you. For no other sentiment could rightly depict your effect on my life. Many women have clothe, nourished and provided the necessary components for their offspring's upbringing, but you have labored well beyond that point, reaching into the very soul of me and imparting your sacred essence into my being.

It is through your example that I hold fast to belief in God. For you undying commitment to motherhood displays His divine attributes. Your watchful eye bares witness to His all seeing gaze. Your warm embrace is reminiscent to His un-breach able protection. Your smile shows of His glorious light, and your care for me highlights His loving kindness. No other title is sacred enough to make known the high esteem I have for you than Mother.

You have been given an awesome responsibility of bringing forth the next generation of leaders into the world. And I marvel at the ease in which you complete that task. You have paved a wonderful path few women could ever duplicate, and for that, you rightly belong in the assembly of the honored.

All of mankind's positions have their limitations well defined, but, thankfully, I have yet to experience a time when I presented a petition to you and you were at a loss to advise. If nothing more than calming me with, "God has it all in His able hands." I anxiously await the moment to impart that lively seed of wisdom that you have placed in me into the next recipient on our lineage that has been entrusted to my care. Mother...As you have blessed, be blessed.