Daughter Poems
Scroll down to see how you can get
your own beautiful daughter poem made and get a free customizable ecard
Below is an example of both
mother daughter poems and father to daughter poems. It has heart felt sentiments that make a great gift from either
parent to a daughter of any age. I've included a finished image as well as the basic text beneath it for ease of
online reading. It's very easy and appropriate to present a poetic gift to a daughter because being a female, she's
naturally more emotional and wordy than her male counterpart. She is always open to hear what you want to say to
her. The fact that you want to poetically share your heart with her makes it all the more precious to her. Parents
tend to go to great lengths to give their daughters the world on a platter. Yet, most only want to hear that they
are noticed and add value to their parents' life. The first is what is called an acrostic poem:

The second lovely poem about daughters below gives the feeling of a
life long awareness of her presence in your life. Every detail is described not as a chore, but a delight to have
the opportunity to participate in her growth. Take some time and read with eyes and heart open to the visual and
verbal imagery that's being shared. This poem can be custom created to your daughter's personality. Instead of
having the generic "Daughter" heading, you can replace it with your daughter's name as well as include your name at
the end. She will cherish it for ever. You can choose the yellow rose background or pick any of the many amazing
backgrounds that you feel would best fit your daughter's taste. You can also edit the wording to your

To my precious daughter. I feel I must begin with an apology. For
it seems the dictionary has failed me in providing a word that best describes my sentiments for you. throughout the
years, many words fit the moments perfectly in the framing of what you have become... A work of splendor. "Don't
play in the streets. Don't talk to strangers." Fitting advise to ensure you were protected at all times.
Long before you needed one, your curfew was known by me. As we sang
nursery rhymes, every expectation was waiting in the wings for the ones deemed worthy to escort you. yet given this
moment to convey my feelings toward you, I find myself bankrupt of adequate words. Even "I love you" falls short in
exposing my heart to you; for true love can only be expressed in actions. When I shopped for you, I sought no
ordinary garments. At each rack, I was searching for you. On those special occasions that required a card, my
mission was to hear you calling out to me. Of a truth, God makes no mistakes, so the mystery of the ages is
unveiling how is my heart has no limit to what it would do for you. Yet when asked, this same heart fills to
capacity and overflows with joy, rendering me void of a word to depict what you mean to me. Alas, it is to sorrow.
But wait...
A word befitting of your radiance
lends itself to me. The dictionary has redeemed itself! At the sound of you addressing me. At those unexpected
moments when our eyes located and locked on one another with smiles following. When I see who you are now.
Daughter, I am... Overwhelmed. ©2006 Tim
Not only that, you can also get your poem sent to you by e-mail so
that it can be displayed on her facebook page or use it as a background image for her computer, ipad or phone. Not
to mention using it to make a calendar, pillowcase or some other keepsake she'll never forget you for. To sweeten
the deal even more, as if it needed to...I'm giving you free, instant access to a powerful e-card program that
allows you to further wow her with incredible high definition images in order to create the best possible scenario
you can.
You can use the preloaded images or upload your or her favorite
picture. In addition to the images, you get to choose which background you want to add to your message and you can
text a message as long as you wish. Here's a real mind blower...You also get to add your own audio to the e-card.
That's right! If she has a favorite song or you just want her to here you say in your own words how much she means
to you, you can upload that audio message along with your e-card. Just take a look below at the image of what this
incredible program is capable of doing.
This is just a thumbnail of what can be done with this one of a
kind e-card creator. Just look how stunning that floating
heart is. You're not stuck with only what you're given. You have at your disposal an e-card that is virtually all
interactive. You can change the background, the sound, or any of the images in and on the clam and leave your text
and audio message if you choose to. If you want to use your face or a special photo that speaks to her heart,
you can upload it and the program automatically sizes and centers it for you. All the guess work is done
for you. All of this comes free with the order of your personalized daughter poem. You can send her your
custom designed e-card and use it to send a message to other friends and family. Your daughter will immortalize you
for giving her this thoughtful sentiment.
Just click on the order menu below to choose which way you want to
have your daughter poem crafted and I'll get right on it. Act fast. The free access to the e-card is a limited
offer that I know you and she will enjoy. It's as easy to use as the click of your mouse.