Love Poems
Scroll down to read and create your
own custom love poems and get a free customizable ecard
Love poems are as old as time itself. No matter the gender, age or
culture, we all are suckers for romantic words that come from our lover's heart. Romantic poems need not be overly
erotic to be sensual. They only need to have a feeling of exclusivity The recipient of the poem has to feel that
the words are for their ears and heart only. The poem below has slight overtones of a sensual nature without giving
away its intention. As you read it, imagine your loved one standing there as you pledge your love allegiance to
them. It's actually more of a love letter than a poem. Note that there will be adjustments based on whether you
choose a digital poem gift or actual shipped gift poem. Both will have the same attention to detail and quality.
Scroll down further to read the online text version.

To really put it over the top, you can insert your loved one's name
throughout the verses. It will send them wild with desire to show their gratitude and appreciation. Though this
poem is primarily for a female, it can be constructed to be more masculine so that a male can take this same poem
and present it to his lady while not compromising his masculinity. If you are skilled at expressing your self, you
need not have a lengthy poem. You can speak volumes without using a lot of unnecessary words. This love poem as it
stands is for relationships that have matured to a fairly moderate to high level.
It lets your loved one know that you are comfortable with letting
them know you have be made your self more vulnerable to them. It could make both parties a little uneasy if it's
not timed properly. However, if you have a good emotional connection with your loved one, you know when they are
ready for this show of affection. This type of poetry has been known to take a relationship to the next level. I've
created a finished poem and just plain text for ease of reading the verses online. I'm making available to you the
opportunity to have this or a poem like this one personalized and sent to you for presentation to your special one.
You can have it crafted as is or customize it with your own words and names. Be sure and add your name at the
bottom of it.
You have the option to get it sent to you by email so that she can
place it on her facebook page. Use it as a computer, ipad or iphone background. You could also make keepsakes like
calendars, pillows, t-shirts and the like. Not only are you able to have custom love poems made to order, I'm going
to give you instant access to an amazing e-card creator that lets you construct a high definition personalized
message just for them. You get to choose from multiple hi-def images or upload your own. You can create a text
message that's as long as you like and for awesome kicks, you also get to include audio with it as well. You can
upload hers and your favorite song or just verbally let her know how you feel about her. Just take a look at a snap
shot of what can be done with this incredible relationship builder.

The hat, bears and background can be changed to your liking. You can
scan through the pre loaded selections or choose images from you hard drive. All with the click of your mouse. The
great part is you don't have to worry about sizing and centering. It's all done for you. Click on the menu below
and cutomize your love poem and style or if you have your own poetry that you would like to have type set and
placed on any of the available backgrounds, just let me know what it is and I'll take care of it for you at the
same low price and you still get instant free access to this incredible e-card creator to take you poetic gift to
the moon.
My love, With these words I grant thee passage into my secret
place. A place where the sun envies our brightness and the soft breeze whispers our love in faint fragrances of
baby's breath and jasmine. In here, you have full access to my bountiful gardens.
a table has been spread in your honor; adorned with goodly fruits
that drip with dew of gladness. Come, dine and be exhilarated in my love. In this place, we shall not fear to lose
ourselves in each other. For these gates have no need of a keeper, for you are the sole possessor of the
In this place, time has no restraints. So lead on softly and be not
soon stirred. From the lofty heights of this place, we shall broadcast our undying devotion for one another so that
it echoes throughout the heavens.
And who is that one to dare presume it possible to unravel the ties
that bind our souls in a perpetual state of oneness? For there is greater hope of the sun freeing the planets from
its embrace or the stars refusing to light the universe with their celestial glow than of our union dissolving into
Take solace in knowing that you are most cherished. 2006 Tim
Love Poem II
My love, I derive great joy in addressing you as such. Not so much
over my deep affection for you. For what soul could resist being in your presence, but because someone of your
caliber accepts and expresses their love to me
The kindness that I display to others, the smile that has found a
perpetual residence on my lips. They owe their existence to the work you've done in my life. As a flowing
stream smooths and shines pebbles into a lustous and desirable relic. As the jewler's stone grinds away carbon to
unveil a priceless gem. so have you affected my life
you've shown me what pure unselfish love can produce in the giver
and receiver and I bare witness that you have given that love to me in immeasureable volumes. I swear my fidelity
to you as it has already abandonedmy heart and made its new home in yours.
Enviable is the term that describes what other feel toward our
devotion to each other. You deserve the best of me, so I'll not withhold it from you.